Real Estate Digital Marketing Tips

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At the first glance, real estate digital marketing can seem a little complex and scary, if you’re new to it.

That’s why we’ve prepared a real estate digital marketing guide that suggests some significant tips and tactics for successful digital marketing in 2021.

First, we’ll make it obvious why you should start digital marketing for your real estate agency. Afterward, we are going to talk about three starter tips and then we will delve deeper and show you the other three tips that give you a clear picture of marketing your business more professionally this year.

Why should you invest in real estate digital marketing?

Digital marketing for real estate agencies plays the main role in the story of the real estate industry. Let’s look at some statistics that the national association of realtors (NAR) has provided.

According to their report, 44% of people who were looking for a house to buy, got help online at the first stage of the property buying process.

These statistics have been collected in 2020 and of course, the stats have risen up in 2021.

The highly competitive world of real estate has become more and more digital in the past few years. If you don’t coordinate your real estate business with the new flow of marketing, your business growth will stop, and you will lose the number of clients that could elevate your brand.

For real estate agents, the process of awareness, interest, desire, and then action (known as AIDA marketing model) is all digital now!
In this digital world, being careless about digital marketing, will lead you to irreparable damages and push the prospects to other property marketplace spots.
Real estate digital marketing can benefit you with:

  • Continuous and effective engagement with your audience
  • A stage to stay competitive and relevant
  • A channel to answer customer questions
  • A useful platform to alleviate misconceptions in real estate market
  • Saving you time and money
  • Sales generation

And other related impressive advantages that make your brand noticeable.

invest in real estate digital marketing

Where to start with digital marketing for real estate agencies?

Digital marketing for real estate agencies is like the umbrella term for a bunch of online tactics that help promote a real estate business online.

You can’t cover all the strategies and tips due to time, but you can use some form of the most efficient real estate digital marketing tools to ease your path and earn more money day by day.

We recommend you start with these tips as an owner of a real estate agency in 2021.

6 digital marketing tips for real estate agencies

1. Establish your real estate agency’s niche
2. Build a highly convertible beautiful real estate agency’s website
3. Build some real estate agency’s ad campaigns and consider PPC advertising
4. Build a strong social real estate agency’s presence
5. CRM tools
6. SEO tools

1. Establish your real estate agency’s online niche

That is going to be a vital move for your business in this huge real estate industry. You need to ask yourself questions, such as:

  • What type of properties do I want to sell?
  • What neighborhoods do I prefer to sell in?
  • What price ranges of homes do I prefer to sell?
  • What buyers and sellers do I want to help on the commercial side?

Without understanding your niche in the real estate industry, it will not be possible to use efficient digital marketing methods for your business.

2. Build a highly converting beautiful real estate agency’s website

Your website is like the physical office in the past but with huge and considerable advantages, for instance, you can:

  • Handle hundreds of people in one day (24/7)
  • Give them all the information they need without hiring more salespeople
  • Answer their questions and cover their pain points
  • Build noticeable trust
  • Be with your audience from the first stage of awareness till the purchase stage
  • Be seen by thousands of people every month through SEO and social media

If you still don’t have a real estate website, just call us at DAAVIN and our experts will build you one to help you step more firmly in your digital marketing route.

There are some remarkable real estate websites that can inspire you on how to sort your blogs, images, videos, and all other content that you are going to provide for your targeting visitors.

Here are some examples of beautiful real estate websites for you:

1. Zillow Porchlight
2. theagencyre
3. Keller Williams

Checking these websites and their blogs can be a big inspiration for you to start your journey in a better way and ease your real estate marketing path.

Best real estate website design ideas

3. Build real estate agency online PPC ad campaigns

Online ads & PPC advertising are going to be a big help at the beginning of your real estate digital marketing route.

Online ad campaigns

You could target people that work at certain businesses or organizations like school teachers, hospital doctors, and other users on social media, and you can build an audience list off of that and advertise to those folks.

The power tip here is your branding and your design’s theme for your ads. You can offer them some sort of deal if they work with you and what will happen over time is, you may become kind of that preferred agent of certain businesses or organizations in your local area, and you’ll start getting a lot of referrals because let’s just say you have a large business nearby that is within the area that you serve.

One way to do that is by targeting those folks on social media. You can also have ad campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other popular platforms.

This paid ad method will help you conquer organic search results and shine at the top of Google. For example, when somebody searches for “2-bed house in Barcelona” the first four results are paid ads[fk1] :

According to Statista, Google Ads are very popular among realtors in the US. In fact, the average monthly PPC Google Ads spend for the real estate industry in the United States reached 1.9 U.S. dollars in May 2021.

How to expand your ways for real estate digital marketing?

We recommended you some starter tips for your real estate digital marketing and if you need more tips, keep reading.

4. Build a strong social real estate agency presence

Real estate social media marketing is key. Take it seriously!
For the first step, you need to dominate the social media figures for your niche in your area.

enerally, we suggest you consider Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. These are going to be the most effective for you.
You need to connect with people through visual arts. You should create videos and publish qualified images from your listings. You need to be creative or get help from the ones who can ease the way you want to present your brand visually.

Some ideas to start your real estate social media marketing:

– Make videos of your listings
– Go live on Instagram and cover your target audience problems and present the solutions

By following these ideas, you will proactively be giving them what they need, making it easier for them to find what they’re looking for.

So, make sure that you do these, and outside of that, think of other ideas, and things you can share on social media on a constant basis.

How to effectively use social media marketing for real estate

5. Real estate agency’s CRM

CRM is an essential real estate marketing tool. With a CRM you can store all kinds of information about your customers and your leads and your listings in one place, Such as:

  • The number of listings bedrooms
  • The price ranges
  • The neighborhoods
  • And also, things like
  • Clients or leads’ birthday
  • Clients’ preferred neighborhoods

As a real estate company owner, you need to build an effective relationship with your customers. And then you are going to be able to do some sorting and some filtering based on this information.

For example, if a new property becomes available in a nice neighborhood that a lot of people are interested in with two bedrooms, you can quickly check the CRM afterward. You can do some filtering and sorting and get a nice little list of people that are a perfect fit for that property.

You can jump right in and start calling them and setting up walkthroughs.
You can even generate an email campaign that sends them an email with the video that you made about that property, talking about it and requesting if they need more info to hit you up.

It just makes YOU a better business person. It’s gonna make you more revenue long-term.

You can also send your client an annual gift card, or a kind of a thank you on Christmas after you’ve sold a home to them.
You can also send them automated emails with little thank you messages, maybe gift cards, newsletters, or You can even send direct messages to them on social media because you saved their social media information in your CRM.

Think about how modern, digital and efficient this makes your business. And the more modern you are, the more you’re going to get referrals and recommendations from that current customer base.

6. Real estate agency SEO

The most challenging movement that all real estate agencies want to do is gaining a nice reputation for their brand.

SEO can be a big help for your growth and staying competitive in real estate competition.

SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO experts can optimize your website and its content in ways that will gradually earn higher ranks in Google for related searches by potential buyers.

Real estate agency SEO can help you:

  • Put your brand on the first page of Google
  • Get more sales conversions
  • Decrease your online ad costs
  • Gain more trust from people by being on Google’s top results

Once you get the help of SEO, you can answer all kinds of questions, such as:

  • Which pages on your website have brought you the most conversions?
  • Which pages are pushing people to exit?
  • How many people are looking at your online listings?

This makes it super adjustable so you can change the strategies that are not working for you.

Best real estate SEO services

Should you hire a real estate digital marketing agency?

A real estate digital marketing agency provides you everything you need on the marketing side within one platform.

It’s going to save you a tremendous amount of time and money because as experts they are already familiar with ups and downs and the tricks of digital marketing tools and methods.

We know as a small business it seems intriguing to do everything yourself to save money, but usually, this has hidden costs invisible at first. You must spend a lot of time learning about real estate digital marketing, valuable time that you can spend on other aspects of your work. In addition to time, you’ll end up spending more money because you don’t know how to use tools such as Google Ads efficiently.

So if you have limited resources as a small business, and you want to be careful on spending them, we recommend hiring a real estate digital marketing agency to handle your real estate internet marketing campaigns for you.


There are countless real estate digital marketing tips, but you, as a real estate company owner, need to choose wisely and narrow down the choices.

All the ideas we suggested here, such as building a responsive beautiful website, google ads, SEO tools, creating videos through social media, and so on, will act as a booster for your business growth.

Your brand and your real estate business need to be seen and to be chosen and then help you to reach your revenue goals. That is why digital marketing tips have emerged.

Hope this article could help you to get aware of the world that digital marketing can bring for your business, and don’t hesitate to contact our team of experts at DAAVIN to get more help.

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